X is Y WOW leaders panel

Published 11/3/2022

What does it mean to be a business fit for the future?

To be relevant and attractive to the right people, today’s leaders need to consider what the future demands of them and reimagine the way they run their business accordingly.

There are both societal and technological factors that are driving this need for reinvention in how you run your business. That means taking a look at everything from business process and efficiency, to people engagement and how your organisation is aligning on goals and purpose.

In this panel interview, X is Y Directors Cyrus and Jared, and Ways of Working Designer, Victoria, share their perspective and insights on why and how to embrace new ways of working, and the benefits for those who do. We cover:

  • How new ways of working are impacting efficiency and capability

  • The positive, tangible outcomes we’ve seen clients achieve

  • The upside of accepting and enabling hybrid, flexible and distributed work

  • The common challenges we’re seeing organisations face - and the first steps you need to keep in mind towards creating change (and how we can help you do it)

Watch this insightful discussion below, and if you think it’s time for your organisation to make some intentional change, then get in touch to book a free introductory chat.

New ways of working

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